Monday, September 30, 2013

Action Research Summary

The need for Inclusion in a regular education classroom for Preschool Children with disabilities is very high.  Both regular education and special education students will benefit, learn and grow from an inclusion program.  In April 2013 I met with site supervisor and Special Ed. Director, and Lead Speech pathologists  to discuss and lay foundations of expectations and requirements of Inclusion Program at Pre-K level.  From November 2012 to March 2013 I attended an inclusion project grant offered through  RegionIV.  To get a better understanding of how the teachers felt and understood the inclusion program in May we Conducted a teacher survey of their understanding and view on 2012-013 Pre-K Inclusion program.  To prepare for this new school year in August 2013 I attended a professional development on Inclusion and special Ed program.  Also in August I met with site supervisor and speech pathologists to discuss plan for staff development session.  Over the last year I have also read many articles on Inclusion.  I have done much research on the topic.  I have learned so many successful strategies as well as strategies that are not as successful, for implementing inclusion in a regular ed classroom.  During our in service days at the beginning of the school year, I presented a staff development to the teachers and paraprofessional staff, on inclusion.  To prepare for this staff development I met with the Meet with site supervisor and speech pathologists.  My district is very aware that the need for inclusion in a regular ed classroom for all children with disabilities is very high. We are meeting this need by starting the inclusion program in our pre-k center and continuing all the way through 12th grade.