Sunday, March 24, 2013

Action Research Plan

The need for Inclusion in a regular education classroom for Preschool Children with disabilities is very high.  Both regular education and special education students will benefit, learn and grow from an inclusion program.
After discussing the topics of interest for our Action Research plan, we came to the conclusion that the Inclusion program at our campus being met with much hesitation and  good inclusion strategies were not being implemented.  The students in our Inclusion program will benefit from being a part of the Inclusion program.    Both the students with disabilities and the regular education students will benefit greatly from a good Inclusion program.    We decided we need to create a that will introduce good inclusion strategies and provide input from both administrators and teachers, with the goal of having the teachers have buy in and essentially practicing good inclusion strategies in their classroom.

Action Planning Template
Goal: The need for Inclusion in a regular education classroom for Preschool Children with disabilities is very high.  Both regular education and special education students will benefit, learn and grow from an inclusion program.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Meet with site supervisor and Special Ed. Director, and Lead Speech pathologists  to discuss and lay foundations of expectations and requirements of Inclusion Program at Pre-K level. 
Emily Laird
Michelle Robbinson
Christina Castillo
April 2013
Signed approval to conduct Action Research Plan
Review practices for teacher exptectations on Pre-K Inclusion Program
 Attend RegionIV Inclusion Project  Grant
Emily Laird
Christina Castillo
November 2012- March 2013
Material/content for Region IV Inclusion Project Grant
Identify important Inclusion Strategies that can be implemented in the Pre-K Classroom
Conduct teacher survey of their understanding and view on 2012-013 Pre-K Inclusion program.
Emily Laird
Christina Castillo
May 2013
Teacher Survey
Collect and review Teacher Surveys

Research Literature on Inclusion
Emily Laird
Christina Castillo
March 2013-December 2013
Lamar Online Library

Research and review literature and make notes of the benefits highlighted in the literature, on the benefits of Inclusion of Children with disabilities.

Attend professional development on Inclusion and special Ed program
Emily Laird
Christina Castillo
Summer 2013
Channelview ISD Calendar of Summer Workshops

Identify important Inclusion Strategies that can be implemented in the Pre-K Classroom
Meet with site supervisor and speech pathologists to discuss plan for staff development session in August. 
Emily Laird
Michelle Robbinson
Christina Castillo
August 2013
Material/content for staff development
Literature review
Identify any resources and areas that need to be addressed.
Conduct a staff development session
Emily Laird
Michelle Robbinson
Christina Castillo
August 2013
Material/content for staff development
Literature review
Teacher survey
Teacher Survey on Inclusion Staff Development
Emily Laird
Christina Castillo
August 2013
Teacher survey
Review teacher surveys
 Monitor teachers implementation of inclusion strategies and curriculum.
Emily Laird
Christina Castillo
August 2013-May 2014
Monitor and feedback forms
Strategy check off list
Review Monitor, feedback forms, and check off list
Monitor Students in the inclusion program
Emily Laird
Christina Castillo
August 2013-May 2014
Monitor and feedback forms
Review Monitor and feedback forms
Compare inclusion students data and CBA test at beginning and end of school year.
Emily Laird
Christina Castillo
May 2014
Monitor and feedback forms

CBA tests

Student Data
Review data and beginning of the year test and end of the year test results
Conduct end of the year teacher survey on 2013-2014 Inclusion Program
Emily Laird
Christina Castillo
May 2014
Teacher survey
Collect and review teacher surveys
Report the results to site supervisor and Special Ed. Director, and Lead Speech pathologists  and teachers.  Discuss how research findings can improve the Pre-K Inclusion Program for the 2014-2015 school year.
Emily Laird
Michelle Robbinson
Christina Castillo

May 2014
Research findings
Review research plan findings on Pre-K Inclusion Program


  1. Good plan. You have some important steps - attending training, completing surveys and staff development for the staff. It is very important for teachers to understand exactly what is expeted from them. Teacher understanding and being confident about implementing a program is crucial. Good luck on your project! I hope this helps!

  2. I love the idea of inclusion beginning in Pre-K. Maybe you could add how you would build a partnership with the families of the students with special needs. To have active participation in their child's learning.

  3. Great topic! Inclusion is near and dear to my heart and can be so beneficial if it's done right. The only suggestion I have is to maybe provide for some sort of intervention mid-year in case there is something that can be tweaked to maximize the success of the program. Just a thought. I'll be interested to follow your project. Good luck!

  4. I love your topic. Inclusion has a special place in my heart as well. I taught on both sides of the inclusion piece (special ed and regular ed). It is great to have these students start bonding and working at an early age. It is a benefit to both general ed and special ed students.

    In regards to your plan, here are a couple of things I was thinking: What types of surveys are you planning to use? Survey monkey, google surveys? You might want to also sit and interview some of the teachers to develop more personal communication regarding the plan, only because this topic is a pretty heavy topic. Also, what are you going do with the surveys (graph results, spreadsheet)? Other thank those thoughts, I think it looks very well thought out. I am excited to follow your project. best of luck.

  5. your plan look great. I see that you prepare your research, getting the ground ready this school year and fully implement the plan and collecting the data in 2013-14 school year. I am looking forward to see your updates. Goodluck

  6. The need for Inclusion in a regular education classroom for Preschool Children with disabilities is very much needed. And you're absolutely right both regular education and special education students benefit. I am an inclusion teacher and I help anyone in the class that need help. I may co-teach, lead a lesson, or just assist. I really love it!

  7. I couldn't agree more that it's important for pre-k students to have inclusion classes. The message of acceptance that's conveyed to these little ones at such impressionable ages will contribute to how they view the word and their place in it. It is important for them to see that there are a variety of "differences" within every classroom, and therefore, should be given the opportunity to interact with their differently abled peers.
